If you know how to take care of your vintage garments then they can be worn and enjoyed for many more decades to come.


    • Read any care label and follow any washing instructions
    • Check for loose seams, holes or frays before washing. You don’t want to damage the garment even more.
    • Never ever use the dryer
    • Hand wash or dry clean silk, wool, velvet and beaded items. Check that your dry cleaner has experience in vintage fabrics.
    • Hand wash or dry clean pre 1960’s garments. They are not machine washable. If the fabric is very old or delicate, good airing and a good fabric freshener spray like Fabreeze can sometimes remove odour without causing any damage.
    • Avoid repeated washing – it will extend your garments life (and the environment)


    • Use wooden or padded hangers. wired hangers are a huge no no.
    • Fold fragile silks, knits and beaded items – don’t be tempted to hang them.
    • Avoid any plastic storage. Vintage fabric needs to breathe.
    • Keep your garments in a dry, dust-free place away from direct sunlight. You don’t want that gorgeous fabric to fade or deteriorate.