
We use recycled and recyclable packaging for every one of our orders. 

Any plastic you encounter is salvaged from local shops and warehouses that would otherwise have been thrown into landfill. To save on waste we also often use other types of salvaged packaging that are gifted from friends, family and local businesses. This means that sometimes your package may look a bit used, worn and ugly on the outside. Don’t judge a book by its cover though as it will protect your items in transit, contribute to our sustainable objectives and make discovering your beautiful item inside all the more exciting.
As we strive to do our bit to keep mother earth happy, please do the same by recycling, reusing and/or composting our packaging! 
We clean, iron and repair everything with eco-friendly products ensuring that your buying choices don't cost this earth of ours.
We are also constantly reviewing how we can improve our practices to become more even sustainable. It’s a learning curve.